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Natural American Spirit Brand Bible

This was a massive project in which, as lead Art Director, I documented and designed out the brand guideline for Natural American Spirit. 

The Sketch: Pretty much every project of mine starts out with something like this. Sketching is the first step to solving problems before they become so. A nice sketch like this can be used to "Quick Pitch" an idea on a deadline. 

Sketch of open brand box

The Render: Sometimes a project requires a more dimensional visual. For this project I built a 3D model and textured it so the craftsmen building the box could see how it needed to be put together.

3D Render Box Open

The Pages: This book had many pages full of everything from missions statements to beautiful product photography and of course the brand mark guidelines. Getting the order right was important as the book needed to flow like a story.


The Inspiration: This "Brand Bible" needed to feel like Santa Fe. The brand is based in Santa Fe and it's style is derived from that location and culture. Textures, color, geography and architecture all play an important role in this brand guide.


Layout: Not only does the brand have rules but the book had to have rules too. Each division type had a specific layout, typography and color scheme. Of course, all those guides nested within the main brand guidelines.


Products: The product pages were set up to clearly show the theme of that product and all the coordinating colors. Each PMS color strip shows the percentage that color represents for that products, "Micro-brand". The coordinating image shows it's setting.


Specialty Products: There is a lot of individual personality within the NAS Cigs family of products. Perique is no exception. This section had to stand out as a clearly distinct flavor profile while still holding the overall feel of the main brand.


Brand Marks: The main brand had two main marks, the Thunderbird and the Chief. Within each mark are sections with deeper rule and guideline definitions.


Brand Marks: It is important for the marks to show how they must be laid out, displayed and what type of spacing they need around them. Colors are there to aid in reproduction and applied labels are important for the user to know which color goes where.


Fonts: Font examples with clearly defined rules are important. Of course, this design shows the design partially finished with placeholder copy for the copy writer to know just how many character they have to work with for said rules.


Textures: Textures are incredibly important to this brand and that means clear examples of allowed textures and the reason behind them is important.


Mission Statement: Images and copy that evoke specific emotions are invaluable to a brand guide like this. This sets the stage and clearly illustrates the type of images able to be used to represent the brand. It's important to not just give textual labels but have actual images.


Quick Guide: The main brand book was meant to only have about 60 made. The brand needed some smaller easier to use versions for agency designers and divisions to use. This version is quick to print, affordable to reproduce and easy to distribute en mass.

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